This ambitious and fiery puppymother spent her early years traveling. Born in Dayton, Ohio, her family relocated to Australia, returned back to the states to live in a small town in Oregon, and eventually settled down in Portland. As the third born in a line of 4 girls, she was always surrounded by love and friendship no matter where she resided. “I will do just about anything for my family and close friends,” says Danica.
While she still considers Portland her home, opportunity mixed with her independent spirit drove her to Las Vegas for undergrad and post-grad, accepting a scholarship program at UNLV. While she is loved for her honest, loyal and humorous nature, she is also widely respected for her intelligence. Earning a Bachelor’s degree in Public Relations and an MBA with a focus in New Venture Management, she is a force to be reckoned with.
Prior to joining the Crescent team, Danica worked for a large construction company. “I wore more hats than I knew what to do with,” she recalls. Now as the Sales Admin for the Las Vegas office, she continues to wear many hats – helping everyone with pretty much anything. “I guess the best way to describe my personality would be in the words of Brandon Barnett… ‘Don’t you get sassy with me.’ I am pretty sure he says it at least 3 times a week!” Despite throwing friendly jabs, when asked, Brandon had nothing but amazing things to say. “Dani is one of those rare people that makes you want to come into work because you know the day will never be boring with her around. She has an amazing sense of humor and a work ethic that just won’t quit. You can always count on her to brighten your day with a joke and a smile, or to have your back when its crunch time for a deadline.”
The Friday of her first week with Crescent, everyone spent the day saging the office and eating pizza and chocolate cake. Fast forward to the current, where epic hip-hop battles between Danica and Brandon have replaced sage burning. “Reggie taught us all the tootsie roll (although this is really only funny because I videotaped it and sent it to people!),” Danica says with a laugh. “We also have in depth conversations about urban dictionary definitions and I will personally sing and dance around the office to 90s boy bands.”
Sophie, her 9-year-old puppydaughter, has become part of the Crescent family as well. “She comes to the office with me some days,” Danica says, “and works really hard…at napping and checking on everyone. Especially everyone with food!” Other than being an awesome puppymother, she dances, cooks/bakes, reads, works out, hikes, and attempts DIY home improvement projects. “I bought my first house about 2 years ago and continuously have to bribe friends with food for help on home improvement projects,” she admits. “Sundays are spent cooking a homemade dinner and watching The Walking Dead (duh!). I also love spending time with my family, which usually means FaceTime sessions since most of them live in Oregon. I’m obsessed with my 2 year old Nephson (Nephew + Godson) because he is pretty much a real live cabbage patch kid! Like cutest ever! And my little sister actually lives here in Vegas, so I can usually snag her with a home cooked dinner or a Sunday brunch.” But of course, “nothing beats a night out with my friends.”
A funny, intelligent, animal-loving dancer and cook? This lady is QUITE the hot commodity.