Over the past month, Crescent Solutions has been gathering their donations to contribute
to this season’s Miracles for Kids drive. During spring, the Miracles for Kids foundation collects donations and purchases supplies to put together gift
baskets for critically-ill children and their families. The foundation typically has about 3-4 events per year where they collect toys, games, clothing, and a variety of other supplies depending on the time of year. This Easter season, the foundation collected cleaning supplies, toys, and activities to fill up their ‘Spring Basket of Miracles’. This week, a few of our employees volunteered to deliver the gift baskets to the local families around
Orange County. The volunteers have the option of either donating items or delivering the gift baskets once they are assembled. Gift baskets include toys for the children, food items for the family like milk, eggs, and meat, and cleaning supplies like towels and sponges.
Crescent’s Irvine location sent out Wayne Karro, Mona Smolenak, Derek Berger, Heath Hamaguchi, and Brian Batistic to cover delivery routes in Anaheim and Orange including Miracle Manor, where Alex Hays and his mother live. Stay tuned to hear about the next Miracles for Kids event and find out how you can help!
More info can be found on their website: http://www.miraclesforkids.org